Individual Therapy
Individual therapy (sometimes called talk therapy, psychotherapy, or treatment) is a process through which people work with a trained clinician in order to understand themselves and others better, establish personal goals and work towards making a change that improves their lives. This process involves exploring feelings, thoughts and behaviours, identifying repetitive patterns, making ‘sense’ of your experience, and often learning new skills to practice.
Individual therapy is a safe, caring and confidential environment, in which the person, couple or family and the clinician work together with the same aim - to reduce distress and build a better life with healthier, happier relationships.
People seek therapy for many reasons. These might include adjusting to life's changes and set backs, exploring new aspects of our identity, dealing with low mood, demotivation, stress, anxiety and panic attacks, experiencing fear, anger, shame and guilt and obsessions and compulsions, or learning to cope with current difficulties and/or past trauma(s) and processing distressing or significant memories. Sometimes people seek therapy to explore their stage of life, learn how to stop making the same mistakes, or simply to gain greater self-knowledge and personal growth.